

CHAIRS. From Diario de un viajero imaginario’s series
Mixed over paper. Graphite, digital photography and photocopy.
Unique and united pieces in mosaics. Variable dimension.

Serie de dibujos realizados en origen durante la residencia en Scompiglio para la muestra Estados indefinidos para una existencia, en construcción hasta el día de hoy.

Drawing’s series that, since its beginning, were originally made during my time expended in Scompiglio due to the study of concepts and figures in Estados indefinidos para una existencia’s sample. These studies are still under construction today. Always in graphite and ink over the paper, later on, the series evolved towards photography, digitally intervening over these bodies. Chairs as horizons, for rest and death, to see and understand at different heights the same limit. Small plain cabins between so many vertical lines, parallel to the distance, a meeting place. A chair as a game, an intimate space to breathe and dream. A goal. A destination.