Galería Tulaprints. Córdoba
Diciembre 2009
Three photographs b/n a 100 x 7ocm c/u. Paper
NU09 is a work in which I look forward the connection between the memory and the oblivion that, currently, I possess about my father, who died due to a long illness. Over the years (13 specifically) and through a triptych made with photographic images I try to imagine how those forced and kind evocations were, anguishing, light but heavy and drowned; Memories came to my time, into my head and hands, into my watch, my watch has stopped at this moment, we have agreed, Dad. WE JUST HAVE RESUMED. Real and parallel experiences construction. My name is Pablo Rubio. My father’s name was Pablo Rubio. We are transit beings. Peripheral limits. Back and forth travels. Sometimes, vice versa. The clocks have stopped because time has coincided.
2009 | triptych 100 x 70 cm c/u
Digital photography; mixed over paper