La mañana de un blanco lunes
La mañana de un blanco lunes
La mañana de una blanco lunes.
100 cuerpos de papel identificados con un hecho bélico ocurrido en el siglo XX. Secuencias lumínicas en 5, 7, 9 y 12 segundos. Patio central Iltre. Colegio Abogados Córdoba en el 250 Aniversario de su fundación.
8 octubre; 31 octubre 2019
Apro su un bianco lunedì mattina la finestra […]. Pier Paolo Pasolini.
On the main occasion of the celebration of the Declaration of Human Rights and being invited by the Córdoba’s Bar Association to present a commemorative sample of the 250th anniversary of the collegians corporation’s foundation (1769 – 2019), I have imagined a field filled with living light looking towards the future, a constantly lit window, an uncertain number of fireflies that set us on the path to not to perish in the hands of fear and oblivion. In a place in which Justice dwells. More now than ever before, in a time in which infamy, death and compulsory obscurity misappropriates a world immersed in instability and profound breakdown.
180 spherical bodies have filled up three floors from the Central Courtyard in the global computation. 4 light sequences in 5, 7, 9, and 12 seconds that illuminate up to 100 spheres in 4 parts, being 25 the ones on in each intersection. The rest, 80 of them, remained definitively without light, they just stopped “breathing”. Each light sequence is bound to the seconds between the sounds of the descent and the bombs explosions, or, on the other hand, to the moment in which the explosion takes place reaching the dust cloud and the highest devastation moment, all of it, always exhibited through filmic documents and internet. The sphere’s dimensions have a diameter of 25, 35, 40 and 50 cm. Each of these spheres (once the sample is over), encapsulated inside a crystal, under their corresponding heading, represent a dark day for humanity. Examples of these are ejercicio num8 para un 7 de IX de 1940 en Londres; ejercicio num1 para un 10 de junio de 1971 en Ciudad de México; ejercicio num4 para un 1 de IX de 1939 en Varsovia, ejercicio num2 para un 26 de IV en Guernika.
2019 | 5oo x 500 x 800 cm environmental dimension
Installation; paper, spray, black ink, ropes, cables and energy saving light bulbs 40 and 25 w.
2019 | 60 x 50 cm
Paper, spray, black ink, ropes, metallic rods.
2019 | 60 x 50 cm
Paper, spray, black ink, ropes, metallic rods.