Llaves y latidos para cinco siglos
Llaves y latidos para cinco siglos
Instalación realizada en el patio central del Colegio de Abogados de Córdoba.
Mayo 2010
Llaves y latidos para cinco siglos.
On the main occasion of the LXth celebration of the Declaration of Human Rights.
The illustrious Córdoba’s Bar Association. May 2010.
Installation carried out in Córdoba’s Bar Association’s central courtyard.
LLAVES y latidos is a project executed to last during a month, during the Cordoba’s Bar Association’s celebrations that this organism is going to carry out to celebrate HHRR’s anniversary. Everything is flooded with an immense black strings web, which is born on the courtyard’s top part, falling on both of the lower floors, almost touching the ground. The lights are imprisoned inside the black entanglement, creating shadows and lines resembling prison bars. From its ends, suspended and knotted, a large number of keys, ancient and contemporary, donated and bought in markets. Keys as a binary concept, as an object capable of opening doors, rooms, houses, futures, cages and bodies. But, on the other hand, also capable to close them. In the hands of those who carry the ability to do justice. Of those who have the power to continue with hope.
2010| 5oo x 500 x 800 cm
Installation; rope, cable and keys