

Special Project Antonio Arévalo.

Galería Clang. Scicli. Sicilia.
30 marzo > 2 maggio 2013
Fotografía © Claudio Dell Monte

The main body that compose this work is a lamp-body used as a canvas of a sheet belonging to the bed from a female convent in Córdoba. A crocheting resembling a shroud, filled with worships, with prayers and moisture, of both joy and tears. Inside, a small light bulb enclosed in a fence, handmade by masons belonging to far away decades, who carried it during their daily routines. At the end of the body, as we can see in rosaries, we can observe some metallic jewels too.

Extracted from a verse that speaks about a country, a territory, a poet who lived and still breathes under Spain’s light, Habitaciones de tu vientre is born as a reflection about repression and sexual drive. When I was invited to participate in this exhibition, and I saw the Christ of Burgos painting in San Juan’s church, in Scicli, I instantly understood that the light emanating from that white cloth was actually an open window pushing me to my childhood in Andalusia. For an Andalusian, it is common, since our childhoods, both imagery and mourn, the sinuosity’s weight, gloom and moisture, the baroque and the shadow, fabrics and dresses aerated on the roofs, whiteness, the lime, the eternal lime and the blinding sun. Sheets resembling litters, skirts, shrouds, embroidered by ancient hands. As a child, dazzled by noon’s light, I entered the dark churches, there, illuminated, inside the cloth’s purity, I always thought to see a threshold that would take me to another time, a respite, a vision of an illuminating well, to which we knew that, one day, we would reach, because, sometime, we have already been there. An embroidered skirt of this crucified body that radiates and illuminates a deep void, which is anonymous.